2016 Santa’s Arrival and Holiday Parades at the Mall (Central NJ)

Santa is arriving earlier each year and is ready to listen to wish lists and sit for photos with the kids. Here’s when Santa arrives at the shopping malls in Central NJ. Some locations also have a Santa arrival parade.

Nov. 3rd Santa Arrival
Menlo Park Mall
(Edison, NJ)
Santa’s Waiting – It’s time for holiday photos with Santa.

Nov. 4th Santa Arrival
Bridgewater Commons (Bridgewater, NJ)
Photos with Santa – Make a reservation to see Santa and spend less time in line. Reservations and photo purchases are not required to visit Santa.

Nov. 5th at 4pm Santa Arrival Parade
Quaker Bridge Mall
  (Lawrenceville, NJ)
Santa Arrival Parade –  Get ready for a rockin’ good time!  Two of Santa’s favorite Holiday friends have been rehearsing all year long for the annual, and highly anticipated, “North Pole Live Talent Show!” They have their costumes, their dance moves and their holiday voices!  Now, all they need is an audience!  Sled on over and support Santa’s helpers as they proudly present, Jingle Bell Rock! There will be music, face painting and most importantly Santa! Don’t miss the fun!

Nov. 10th Santa Arrival
Monmouth Mall
 (Eatontown, NJ)
Visits with Santa begin.

Nov. 12th Santa Arrival
Freehold Raceway Mall (Freehold, NJ)
Santa will be available for photos and visits . Reservations available, but not required! Exciting Features: Online Reservations, Elf-Ray Vision, Naughty-or-Nice ‘O Meter, Holiday Fun Photo Options & More!

Nov. 12th at 10am Santa Arrival
Brunswick Square Mall
(East Brunswick, NJ)
Santa will be arriving on Saturday, November 12th at 10:00am in Center Court! The  Salvation Army children’s choir will be leading a parade doing a small performance and leading Santa in Center Court!

Nov. 17th at 7pm Santa Parade
Woodbridge Center (Woodbridge, NJ)
Santa Parade – Join us in welcoming Santa to the center with our Santa Parade!

Nov. 25th at 11AM – 1PM Santa Arrival
MarketFair (Princeton, NJ)
This event will include story time and balloons by Mrs. Claus, gingerbread Doorknob hangers craft, Facepainting, an ice cream treat and a special Holiday Magic show for the kids! There will even be a special performance by the Princeton youth Ballet to get everyone in the spirit for Santa’s big arrival. Parents will sign in and kids receive a free ornament and a sweet treat.

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